Concealed Pistol Applications

Concealed Pistol Applications is a look into how to build a solid foundation with your pistol and how to be comfortable and confident with the draw and execution of your pistol from concealment.
We will break things down to a fundamental level and build them back up so the shooter will not only have a solid understanding of the mechanics, but will understand the "why" and "how" of their training. The student will leave the class with the knowledge and skills needed to help achieve their shooting goals.
This is a class for all skill levels and will appeal to beginners and advanced shooters alike. A new shooter looking to find ways to "step it up" to the next level will greatly benefit from this class, as will the more seasoned shooter looking to refine techniques and push speed and accuracy. Concealed Pistol Applications is a great class to not only build confidence as a shooter, but to learn ways to advance overall shooting performance.
Gun handling principles
Gear selection
Dryfire (hows and whys)
Grip and stance/recoil management
Zeroing pistols
Drawing from concealment with efficiency
Trigger press and how it relates to accuracy.
Calling shots
Reloading with consistency
Target transitions/eye speed
Single hand shooting
How to move safely and effectively with a pistol.
Unorthodox positions
Entries and exits
shooting on the move
shooting longer drills/stages
Modern semi automatic pistol (e.g. 9mm, 40 cal, .45 acp, 22 LR are all fine calibers to use). No micro subcompacts or revolvers.
Good inside the waistband holster that covers up the trigger guard (e.g. Kydex holsters). No Serpa holsters or fabric holsters will be allowed.
Belt designed to hold up a pistol
At least 3 magazines
At least 1 mag pouch
Ear protection
Eye protection
500 rounds
Water + electrolytes
Rain gear